Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Questions/Thoughts from Seerveld Q&A

Please post some of your thoughts/questions/observations from the session with Seerveld. Did anything challenge or resonate in particular?

A question from Chapter 6 of Seerveld's Bearing Fresh Olive Leaves

How can we incorporate our faith in our art form in a way that people can identify -- but do so in a way that doesn't come across as "self-righteously doctrinal"?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A question from "Art and a Fallen World"

Do you think that through the arts, people have been seeking and longing for the Garden of Eden: longing for paradise lost or perhaps what is to come? Is there anything wrong with this?

A question from "Art and a Playful God"

Why do you think we place so little emphasis on the creation story but so much on Jesus death in forming our worldview? Do you think the church plays a role in this way of thinking, and how has it affected our understanding of the arts?