Sunday, October 25, 2009

Art: Neccesary or Luxury

A question posed in the latest precis:

The legitimacy of art has been contested for centuries, but Christian questions about its "usefulness" can sometimes seem valid. For instance, as Seerveld asks, how is it all right to enjoy a live theatre performance when our neighbour is going to hell? Some might argue that art's allusivity can have a purpose, but is less useful than a more direct method, such as bringing aid to a third-world country. How should we respond to this?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Art and Truth

Drawing on your own experience, how have you experienced "truth" in a form of art? In what ways has this been different/similar to other ways we understand truth in our culture or society or church?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pope Paul II -- Letter to Artists

In his Letter to Artists the late Pope John Paul II offers some insights into the relationship between artists and the church. Accepting the relevance of his arguments for the church universal, a number of question come to mind:

Feel free to comment on 1 or more of the following questions:

a) What does he mean when he talks about beauty. Can a work of art be beautiful? How does the incarnation factor in?

b) Does his notion of beauty in the church suggest a movement away from this world? What distinction does he make between Christian humanism and humanism that might be helpful here?

c) What do you think of his notion of artistic inspiration?

d) Do we artists need the church? Does the church need artist. What does John Paul suggest? Do you agree?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Worship and Aesthetic Appeal

In your experience, has worship elevated emotions over reason or reason over emotions? Have you ever experienced an elevation of aesthetics appeal or a complete elimination of aesthetics? What reasons have been cited?

Worship and Style

Have you ever felt as if you were moved emotionally in a worship service by a) nostalgia b) conscience clearing or c) aesthetic pleasure? If so, how dependent is our ability to worship on how familiar we are with the style or flavor of worship?