Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Begbie -- Postmodernism and the Arts

A question inspired by the Begbie article:

In a culture so obsessed with images, what does the image of Christ look like? How do we live (consume) in our society and put on the image of Christ?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Conflict and Conversations

In response to the Yates article, "Conflict and Conversations" do you agree with Yates suggestions for approaching works of art that can appear threatening or degrading? Do you have any personal experiences of being offended or challenged by a work of art, movie, piece of music etc.? How might Yates suggestions be/not be helpful in initiating conversation with such works?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hello all.

Welcome to the class blog. Each week I will be posting questions for discussion.